Bush's Oct 6 speech regarding Iraq and terror

What I am gonna pick on and analyze is the fact that our xenophobic president keeps targeting and redeculing Muslems and adds an adjective here and there which I don't understand what it is he is trying to acheive. He is alienating more and more muslims, even the good ones. OK Mr. 2-digit IQ, for the love of your god, don't make this war a religious war. If you read some history books growing up, you would have known making a conflict a religious cause, is the worse and most distructive act a leader can do.
Does the crusade mean anything to you? How about Arab/Israeli conflict, how about hundreds of years of dark ages, no? doesn't ring a bell? How about losing Iran to religious fanatics? not yet... let me see, oh how about Ireland?
Don't make this a religious conflict, all the crazy terrorists who happened to be Muslim are gonna win more support if you make this a Christianity/Judaism vs. Islam conflict.
Islam is 1384 years old. Chritianity was in the dark ages when it was the same age. Understand that and act accordingly! If you understood or hired people under you who understood how life is in that part of the world, you would have made much wiser decisions.
You know the beauty of all this is? People don't care enough to kick you out of your job. If any CEO had made so many mistakes, trust me he/she would have been spending time with rats in the prison.
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