Stock Market et al

When you start with no profit, it is fairly easy to multiply your income and revenue, so I don't get all the hype. The stock price rocketed 12% to all time high with nearly $100 billion dollar market cap. $100 billion dollar market cap! A tiny company with only 3000 employees is worth $100 billion dollars. Let me give you some points of reference: Chevron-Texaco is $119 billion with 56,000 employees worldwide, all the refinaries, oil rigs etc. Cisco is $106 Billion!, McDonald's has only $40 billion market cap and our beloved Yahoo stands at nearly $50 billion.
OK, don't get me wrong, I think Google is the best thing that has happened to the Internet in the past 3-4 years and it really moved the industry forward, all I am saying is, please don't screw it with hype.
Speaking of hype, God bless hype and irrational exuberance. The beauty of the whole thing is for the past two weeks, the market was taking a nose dive and all the analysts were trashing the tech sector. But now, everything is changed, now you hear all the brilliant analysts changing their mind and telling people a lot of other companies are undervalued. Well let me tell you one thing about these investment banking analysts: they get paid when the stock they are covering trades, so the more hype and trading, the more money they make. Do you remember the year 1999?
The same brilliant analysts who were hyping all the Internet stocks causing a major bubble, all of the sudden when the bubble burst, they strated trashing the whole sector. Let's get this straight, the Internet was never dead, the industry was just too early; 30% Internet penetration and mostly dial-up during the Internet boom era. Right now we stand at 80%+ of which 40%+ is broadband. The market has been ready for sometime and thanx to Google all the idiots of the industry, excuse me the investors and analysts just realized how important the Internet is AGAIN!
I have a tiny suggestion for all these old fat cats who don't understand technology but money is oozing out of their asses: START USING TECHNOLOGY. Then you don't fuck most of us who don't have much money and depend on our 410K and savings to live and retire. Just let the market grow at a reasonable rate and let us live our lives.
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