Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Monday, November 14, 2005
'Bomber confession' shocks Jordan

You gotta hand it to these Muslim nations for supporting whatever another Muslim does. Like any other member of “an under attack religion or group.”
Anyhow, so these guys are shocked to hear the bomber’s cold confession and how she has no compassion for other Muslims. First of all, it sounds like it is OK not to have compassion for other humans but not for Muslims, what has this world come down to?
Well let’s have a history lesson, shall we? When Iran and Iraq were in war for 8 years, a couple million people died. Let’s see what their religions were: Iran-Muslim & Iraq-Muslim…hmm So Muslims do kill each other. How about when Al Qaeda bombed a compound in Saudi Arabia where many Egyptian expatriates were housed, weren’t they Muslim? Should I go on?
What we learned so far: Muslims do kill Muslims, so I think it is time to face the reality and realize these Muslim fundamentalists are bunch of FUCKING PSYCHOPATHS who have no respect for human life and civilization. They are just freaking out that they are losing their grip on people and as the last measure of desperation; they are trying to disrupt the inevitable.
And just a footnote: since 9/11, Al Qaeda has killed more people than since its inception until 9/11. Of course the casualty was not in the US, that is why our president is still sitting his office, but everybody else has suffered more than ever before. Yet again, it doesn’t matter as long as it is not in the US cause the US is all it matters. Perhaps that is why, we call the baseball championship series, the World Series although only Canadians and Americans are playing in the league; or our Super Bowl champs are called World Champions, although only American trams play in the league and there are not a whole lot of countries that understand the game any way set aside playing it.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
What the fuck is religion for

We don't have all the answers and explanations, so believing in something higher than us comforts us and helps us cope with tragedies. However, now that we have answers to many things in the universe, the influence religion has on most of us especially in the Western world is diminishing. This results in religious leader to lose control over people, and you can’t have that. Karl Marx was so wrong to call religion, opium of the nations; it is much more than that. It is the mustard gas of the nations; it leaves you look hideous and causes so much pain and suffering and kills your soul afterwards.
You think I come across as a religion hater, was I that transparent. Good, cause I hate religion. Unlike most people in the western countries, I lived under a theocratic regime for a good part of my life and I know what the true face of religion looks like. Europe is still scarred from the dark ages and remembers very well what happened to them when religion ruled their lives. Unfortunately, in the US, religion never ruled the country and as the result people don’t have a clear grasp of its true nature. People think religion is something particular to people’s personal belief and that’s it. NO, that is not it. Organized religion by nature wants to rule your world and convert everybody around you either by force or friendliness.
If you haven’t done so, please pick up some history books from ANY continent and see how religion made people suffer. It boils my blood to see these religions morons like Pat Robertson preaching hate and intolerance and call it Jesus’s will. You asshole, first of all Jesus was a philosopher and a reformer, that’s why he got nailed to a cross- not that I believe in him as a prophet or anything. He believed in his ideas and didn’t give in. You asshole on the other hand, with your douchbag 700 club, are just looking to make more money and have power over people. I bet you are a freak and a pervert under that smirk you always have on your fucking face. You are not alone, all the douchbag religious nuts are in the pool with you, I am just picking on you cuz I used to see your face on the fucking CBN channel all the time. Your fucking face pissed me off so much (along with your fuck-faced son) that I deleted your channel from my channel line-up.
I don’t even want to get started on how our beloved prez is getting in bed with all the religious nuts, so he can strengthen “his relationship with God.” Oh man, sounds like the Ayatollah; he was crazy when he was saying these things, but our prez is spiritual when he says nonsense things like that. And can I just say I almost puked when I was watching Kerry-Bush debate and how they were trying to one up each other for being so religious. Fuckin’ eh, in Europe you get axed if you mention God in your speeches, here, you get Karma points.
Again, I don’t blame anybody but us because we are the ones who allow such behavior and letting them have power over us. So not hating anyone but ourselves for once again being sooooo stupid.
Friday, November 04, 2005
Bush ratings drop to new lows in poll- 40%

The only power that is keeping this administration is the religious nuts and the rich fat cats who don't give a shit about anything else but making more money and get fatter and richer. C'mon dude, Iraq is a disaster, Afghanistan is a disaster too. Middleast hates us. Europe hates us. He has turned Christianity/Judaism against Islam. Offer tiny help to Africa (he needs the money to spend on Iraq). With the wealth and knowledge that the US alone has, we can do so

Hey religious nut, it is not worth supporting this dude because you think anybody else will turn this country into a big sex orgy. Thinking that this administration protects some "religious ideas" is not really worth it when thousands and millions of people suffer as the result of this administration’s mismanagement. Although I don't believe in what you believe, why don't you look into your holy books and see what we are doing to this world is something your god really wants. Or you are just a pure hypocrite and really don't believe in good deed anyway and utilizing religion just to have control over people? Like all the religious leaders before you. Yea you guessed right, shame on you. I wished this country lived under some sort of theocracy in the past so people really understood how destructive religion really is. Europe lived under it that is why people are so secular and Middleast is living under theocracy and you see what the results are. And for your information, Christianity is not so much better than Islam, in their core they are all the same and convey the same message. The dark ages for your information were pure exercise of Christianity not Islam, so please don't even try to play that card.