Saturday, February 25, 2006

Civil War in Iraq? No, How is that possible.

Yea pretty shocking to find out Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds really hate each other and the only reason they hadn't killed each other was because of a tyrant like Saddam who scared the shit out of people so they couldn't move a finger. Now with western style democracy (perfectly suitable for a country that has never experienced any form of democracy) and not to mention the chaos in Iraq, these groups really have the opportunity to "express" themselves.

Not that I have a Chrystal ball or anything , but knowing that region very well, that was THE question I had before going into Iraq: How are you gonna deal with these groups in post-war situation? Cuz winning the battle was no brainer; the most powerful army in the world going against one of the weakest ones. It was ever so comforting not to hear a SINGLE word about this topic from our top officials. However, they did a good job ridiculing European countries who brought up the different religious groups problem in post-war Iraq... Freedom fries anyone?

The map shows different religious groups in Iraq and where they are situated, if you click on it, you get a more readable map.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Trouble in Paradise?

I never understood why people are shocked when they hear the obvious. It is like when people hear a couple who were abusive to each other split; people are still amazed that they are getting a divorce. No splitting here, but it should be to no surprise that Google is running into some fraud issues worldwide. For the love of God, who thought it was possible to post some advertising on a crappy website, have your friends keep clicking on the ads and you collect money?!
Sooner or later somebody was gonna wake up and smell the coffee. I personally never believe in money machine business plans, IT DOESN’T EXIST. So for people who thought Google was gonna be THE money machine, I am sorry to say, you are dead wrong, AGAIN Mr. Wall Street know-it all.
Having said that, many good things came out of Google:
1. Google has helped establish a Web 2.0 revolution and economy.
2. A great American company is formed.
3. It has created a handful of billionaires and several hundred millionaires at Google and Wall Street; they hopefully help the economy grow.
4. It will force Google to come up with great services to compensate for the ad sense revenue loss; good for us consumers.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Iranian Paper Plans Holocaust Cartoons- The Saga Continues

Check out this piece...niiiiiice work.

I knew this was gonna happen. Oh man... Let's see how crazy this can get...

Monday, February 06, 2006

Muslim cartoon protests turn deadly

This thing seems like not going away and gets more and more outa hand. Not that I approve of this kinda craziness and I don't think anybody has the right to go bananas over a cartoon that makes fun of their prophet and religion, but I am thinking if someone draws Jesus with a bomb on his head, not too many southern baptists turn out to be smiling about it. Or can you imagine you do the same with a Rabi? Oh man, I don't even wanna imagine what's gonna happen there.
So I guess, cudos to the people who feel freedom of speech is the best thing in the world (agree with them 100%) but we need to keep in mind, we live with a bunch of idiots in this world who just don't get it. No benefit comes from provoking them since they are just stupid, so as the result, have compassion for these people and don't poke them hard.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Things have been great for the past couple of months

It has been a while since I have written something here. Holidays, work, laziness and above all too many stupid things have happened that I didn’t get around writing about them.

Anyhow, where to begin? Saddam’s trial? What a piece of work. I think the US government, excuse me, the Iraqi government couldn’t fuck this one up as well as they are doing it.

How about Google tumbling? I think Google execs mentioned it sometime ago that they can never maintain such explosive growth rates forever. So Mr. stupid moron Wall Streeter, are you fucking deaf? Stop fuckin around with our fragile market so you can buy your stupid Hampton’s villa. Google is a great company and so as the Internet sector. They will all grow at a great rate and will make our economy grow.

This is a good one: recent Muslim outrage over some cartoon that a Danish newspaper published: The saddest part in this whole ordeal is that these so called men of God don’t understand, unlike their fucked up countries, there is something called “FREE PRESS” so whatever a newspaper does, has nothing to do with the government and the people of the country the newspaper is based out of, so stop storming Danish embassies and burning Danish flags. If there is truly a hell, I hope you burn in it first for stifling freedom of speech and bashing freedom in general.

How about how things are going in Iraq and let’s not forget Afghanistan. Let me think, what else? Oh I know; how about Hamas winning the Palestinian elections, the very same elections our smart administration has been pushing so hard for and now that the people have spoken, the US government doesn’t recognize it. That is just brilliant. I wonder who cooked that one up.

Good old Iran and its new shampoo-phobic president? He sure is getting all the attention he was craving for and more. I have a solution, why won’t we just ignore him, and see what happens. I think that’s a pretty good remedy and he will go away, or at least take a shower.

I guess this was a pretty good recap of the past couple of months, but it didn’t do justice to all the great things that have happened, so I guess I just need to get off my butt and write more; not that anybody cares.